拥有壮美自然景观的山东,钟灵毓秀,美不胜收;拥有“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”美誉的山东,历史悠久,文化灿烂;拥有大气鲁菜和精致小吃的山东,热气腾腾,珍馐飘香......《In Shandong》原创英文系列视频,邀请外国友人一起品鉴山东的“颜值”“滋味”和“内涵”,一起走近勤劳聪慧的山东人。
Known as the “best chicken in the world“,Dezhou Braised Chicken,is the “hometown dish“ of Dezhou people and famous for its softness,tenderness and fragrant taste.The combination of a history of over 300 years,multiple procedures and dozens of seasonings makes the chicken so special.
Legend has it that the dish was created by accident.During the Emperor Kangxi"s reign in the 18th century,a restaurant owner called Jia Jiancai created this unique dish.One day, Jia had to run an errand,and asked his apprentice to take care of the pot in the kitchen.The apprentice had fell asleep while waiting for his master.When Jia came back,the chicken was overcooked.
However,he sold out the chicken and surprisingly found that the customers loved it.Overcooking the chicken had made the bones chewier and the meat tastier.It was lustrous with golden yellow skins and was juicy with tender meat.With the continuous improvement of the recipe,Dezhou BraisedChicken had become more and more delicious and popular.
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